Diagram Editor

We access the diagram editor by clicking on the button diagram editor button, located at the top of the sidebar. Here we can create diagrams inserting various types of objects that appear grouped on the left side of the editor. The diagrams that we create here can be inserted later in the project document. To add code, press the add button add diagram button, or keyboard access (Ctrl + Insert).

Diagram Editor
Diagram Editor

We assign a name to identify it and a category as a way of grouping diagrams with similar themes (we can use it for subsequent searches). We write the category in the editor if it does not exist, or select from the list if we have already added it. As in all editors we save by pressing the button save file, or with (Ctrl + S). The diagram editor has three sections: on the left are groups of elements that we can insert, on the top There are a series of controls that allow us to modify properties of the selected element or elements, and the rest of the screen is the editing area where we draw. Before we start inserting elements into the diagram, we can adjust properties of the editor by pressing the settings button diagram settings. For example, we can adjust a background grid and activate it to place the elements.

diagram settings 01

Type of selection handles, background color, and units of measure.

diagram settings 02

See the background grid, its color, if we adjust movements to the position and its horizontal and vertical size.

diagram settings 03

Editor Left Rule Properties.

diagram settings 04

Editor Top Rule Properties.

diagram settings 05

Page size and print margins

On the left side we have the elements that can be added, we select and click on the position of the editor where we want to place it. With the selected element we can move it with the mouse or with the keyboard combination (Ctrl + ↑/↓ ←/→).Using the keyboard, pressing the arrows makes it move according to the X and Y size of the grid if it is active, or pixel by pixel if it is not. The elements that we can insert in the editor are:

basic objects






Data flow

Data flow.

Flow chart

Flow chart

Uml activity

Uml activity

Uml component

Uml component

Uml sequence

Uml sequence

Uml static

Uml static

uml use cases

Uml use cases

actions properties selection

When we select one or several elements we can change some of its properties by clicking on the buttons on the top bar. These actions are:

delete diagram elements Deletes the selected items. It can also be executed with Alt + Del
edit texto Edit the text of selected elements. It can also be activated with F2
send to back Position selected element behind the others
bring to front Position selected item above others
zoom editor Zoom applied in the editor
line style Style of the selected line
line width Thickness of the selected line
transparency Element fill color transparency level
element color Element border and background color
text font Text font, size and color.
text font style Bold, italic, and underline style of element text.
element angle Angle of the selected element.
text alignment Text alignment (horizontal and vertical positions).
position-size selection Position and dimensions of the selected elements. Some of the options need to have two or more items selected and in other cases three or more.
element shadow Shading type (size, spacing, and color).
group and create blockscreate block With two or more elements selected we can group them to select it and move it as a single object. We can also create a block with those elements, assign it a title and add it to the elements library to insert it other times in the editor. We can ungroup a series of grouped elements with the ungroup option in this menu.
end arrows line If we click with the right mouse button on a line, options appear in the contextual menu to change the line endings (origin or destination), with different shapes.

To print the diagram, click the print button imprimir, located at the bottom of the sidebar. We see a preview of the same according to the dimensions of the page that we have assigned in the settings diagram settings. The diagram can be exported by pressing the button exportar, where we find two options: export as image (en formatos png, bmp o wmf), or export with the extension dgr, what is the native extension of the diagram. Diagrams that we have exported in that format (*.dgr) we can add them to the editor by pressing the button importar. Must take into account In this case, the content that we may have in the editor will be replaced by that of the one in the file.